Categories: General


As people who know me know, I love art and photography. This site is intended to run alongside my photographic site mikeophoto, but where I can post up more written work. That’s not to say there will be a complete absence of photography, just the main focus of this site is a place to post up personal writing, essays, reviews and thoughts relating to art and photography. Plus the occasional random post every now and then.

In the last year I’ve become a lot more interested in the theoretical side of photography and art. This has led me on a very interesting journey into the ‘why’ surrounding photography. It’s opened up a whole new view on the photographic practice, one that I hope to feed back into my own work, but also one that’s made me think a lot more on the process of photography. As I also enjoy writing, combining the two seemed the next logical step.

I hope that things on here will be informative and hopefully make you think and in turn help you with your own photographic practice.
